Friday message
Bill Maurer
Friday June 12 16:58:12 PDT 2020
Dear social sciences community,
Congratulations -- we have reached the end of Finals Week! I want to
take this opportunity to thank you all so very much for your incredible
efforts this quarter. Our staff made a remarkably effective transition
to telecommuting in record time; our computing services folks kept us
all connected; our facilities team made sure the lights were still on
and our buildings were properly cared for in our absence; accounting
dealt with an onslaught of totally unprecedented Covid-related expenses
(while also processing a large number of new grants!); the undergrad
office maintained their exceptional level of support and service to our
students, while SSARC made sure they got mentoring and had opportunities
for fun, too. The grad office presided over the most significant
transfer of funding and TAships to grad students we've ever experienced
(and it's still going on for summer). Communications got our stories
out--while our faculty, GSRs, postdocs and research teams kept up a lot
of their research, despite the slowdown, and many lent their important
voices to the fundamental transformations taking place in our society as
I write this. Our personnel team helped us all navigate new policies and
procedures related to the pandemic and work-from-home, while keeping the
campus Academic Personnel and Human Resources folks on their toes.
Department, program and research center staff stayed connected with
their faculty and researchers, kept the trains moving on time, and
supported us all through this transition. Faculty, lecturers and grad
student TAs kept our students engaged through remote instruction, in
many cases learning themselves how to do so as they went along, with the
stalwart assistance of Janet DiVincenzo and our dedicated remote
instruction coaches. Development, well, they kept the philanthropic
donations flowing, and arranged some really innovative programming for
our supporters and alumni. The Executive Committee had to do some heavy
lifting, and the Chairs and Chairs' Council members provided crucial
guidance to their departments and to the administrative team all along
the way. Staff working-groups pivoted from their initial assignments to
help maintain connection, morale, and to provide training in managing
new technology and our new remote milieu. Finally, the Associate Deans
and Assistant Dean have been working overtime, helping us all to see
around corners as we tried to anticipate what would hit us next and
prepare for all sorts of contingencies.
So: THANK YOU. We did it. I know people have faced struggles and
hardships. I have, too. But we made it through. And.... we're going to
have to keep at it for a while, albeit at a different pace, as we move
into the summer and the next phase of the pandemic. Thank you for
supporting each other and me though this challenging 4-month period and
in the weeks and months to come. I so appreciate it.
I know some of you have come to depend on these daily emails, but I am
hopeful that I can reduce their frequency beginning next week. Don't
worry: I'm here, and you all know how to reach me. I will still
translate any mixed signals we get from the central administration or
other units on campus, as needed (and I bet it will be needed!). The
Associate Deans will be in touch as matters related to each of their
portfolios come up, as well. But I'll see if I can reduce my own
messages to a couple times per week (and I'll be sure to include Rufus
and Ginger, of course!).
And tomorrow is Commencement. Please do tune in. It will all begin at
10am on Saturday, with an all-campus celebration first, followed at
10:30 by individual receptions, via If
you're into social media, please light up the Internet with #UCIGrad,
#IamUCI, #UCIpride and #zotzotzot. It means so much to our graduates!
Happy weekend, happy grading (?!), happy summer. To our PhD and MA
recipients: congratulations!!
Thank you, UC Irvine School of Social Sciences.
Stay safe, and be well.