reopening, accommodating students, and the necessary work
Bill Maurer
Tuesday June 2 16:19:34 PDT 2020
Dear social sciences faculty, grad students, lecturers and staff,
I hope everyone is finding time for some self-care while engaging in all
the other necessary, difficult and important work that needs to be done
for the world, not limited to our own little corner of higher education
and its values and ideals.
There are a lot of emails circulating. Let me provide some context for
a few of the messages that might be on people's minds:
1) Campus reopening: Despite all the emails, the plans have not changed
from what I've been writing all along. We're moving into Phase 2,
there will be a process for submitting requests for resuming low-risk
research activities, and we'll move toward 30% occupancy gradually,
over time. Note that the Chancellor's desire of "50%" is for the entire
campus, not any one school, and there are some parts of campus that will
resume activities that permit for additional personnel on site faster
than we are able (mainly because those activities involve research with
inorganic and non-human materials and subjects).
2) Necessary cleaning supplies for reopening: Some of you will have
received a few emails about PPE, disinfectants, gloves, masks and so
forth. Some supplies are being procured and distributed centrally. Others,
for more specialized spaces or uses, will be procured in the
School. Gregory Gallardo and Allison Marks will be our central points
of contact for any questions, as well as for ordering and distribution
of such supplies. Expect messages from them in the coming weeks. Please
do NOT go out and start purchasing such supplies on your own.
3) Student well-being and instructor flexibility with respect to Week 10
assignments and final exams: This morning, Associate Dean Castellanos and
I emailed those currently teaching, outlining some recommendations and
policy matters (such as the late P/NP and late drop options--deadline,
June 5) available for our students. The Senate has also emailed similar
guidance. Please, please be extra mindful of the incredible stress our
students are under and be as accommodating as possible.
Our faculty and grad students have been in the news a good deal this
week too. I'll send a roundup at week's end. But meanwhile, enjoy this
picture in the digital version of today's New York Times of Profs Goodman
and Thomsen, socializing in socially-distant fashion!
Please take care, and thank you for all that you are doing, "inside"
UCI and beyond,