COVID-19 reporting, and Week 10 student absences

Bill Maurer
Wed Mar 11 21:12:39 PDT 2020
Dear faculty, lecturers, staff and graduate students,

My apologies for another email, but it seems best right now to share 
important information, as the situation regarding COVID-19 continues to 
change. We are handling concerns and questions based on level of urgency 
(so, some things, like reimbursements for unused travel expenses, or 
human subject research protocol alterations, or summer research travel 
questions, will have to wait for a little bit!), and will continue to 
share information as needed. For now, however:

1) *Student absences during Week 10*: I request instructors not to 
deduct points for attendance of any students who fail to show up to 
class or discussion section, regardless of whether a reason is offered 
or not, during Week 10. Finals should still be administered remotely 
beginning next week as planned (see my previous email for information on 
obtaining your course email list and options for remote exam delivery).

2) *If you have symptoms of COVID-19 or influenza*:

Students: Call ahead to receive instructions from the Student Health 
Center, (949) 824-5301, 8am-5pm. Also consider using  
Live Health Online (24-hour service).

Employees: Call ahead to receive instructions from your primary care 
physician or urgent care.

3) *If you are concerned you may have symptoms, that you’ve come into 
contact with someone who has symptoms or has tested positive, or have a 
student or colleague who notifies you with symptoms, please follow 
and/or instruct the following of the above protocol*. Please also notify 
the dean’s office via email (dean at or phone (949.824.6802) so that we may 
contact critical campus personnel.

We will do our best to keep up the flow of information, as necessary and 
appropriate. The health and safety of our students, faculty, and staff 
is of the utmost importance in this very challenging time. And remember 
that the goal is risk reduction and flattening the caseload curve 
we also fulfill our important mission of teaching, research, and 
service. But we will get through this!

Bill Maurer