Hump day, OIT guidance, and remote research re-start
Bill Maurer
Wednesday Apr 1 16:41:31 PDT 2020
Dear all,
Hump day! You have been reporting mostly smooth sailing; practicing
being unlicensed therapists for students adjusting to our new reality
(and a big thank you for doing so); some connectivity glitches; and
some struggles in learning the ways of Zoom and YuJa. Three cheers to
Janet DiVincenzo, our faculty remote learning coaches, and all our other
support staff for helping us continue to adjust.
The Office of Information Technology has issued some truly helpful
guidance in the past 24 hours: on using the VPN most effectively while
we work from home (which will be particularly relevant for staff working
with financial or other confidential information), and on making your
Zoom meetings more secure. If you are not reading their zotmails, please
take a look at what you've been missing. I've asked OIT to post their
recent zotmails on their website so check later for that.
We are an institutional member of COSSA, the Consortium of Social
Science Associations, and COSSA has been assembling a lot of helpful
research-related material you may find of interest. Please visit
And those of you fascinated by the social science-side of
the manipulation of online, networked communication--like
Zoombombing--might want to sign up for this webinar being
held by the Shorenstein Center at Harvard this Friday:
If you can't tell from the preceding paragraphs, I am starting to think
about how we can best support our research mission now. We got through
Finals (remember that? feels like last year). We're in the middle of
Week 1 of instruction. So far, so good. I want to direct more of my
attention now to supporting our research activities. There are, ahem,
obvious limitations. Stay tuned for more updates.
My own day was filled with our weekly Associate and Assistant Deans
check-in, where I learned that Global Connect, our educational partnership
program bringing international affairs to local schools, is up, running,
and going strong in this new "remote" environment--well done! Graduate
enrollment looks good so far for Fall. The undergrad scholarship selection
machine is about to ramp up. Then it was on to some staff matters, money
matters, and academic personnel business. My colleague Joan Donovan and
I recorded a podcast with the Filene Research Institute on the role of
credit unions in getting out trusted, local, and relevant information
to their communities during this pandemic. And then more emails. So
many emails.
And, of course, we are in a pandemic. Don't forget to visit for campus updates. The campus coronavirus
response center can field general questions or concerns at 949-824-9918,
Best wishes to everyone at mid-week!